Member-only story
Scars of the Past
When the betrayal of the past threatens the love of the present
Jennifer gazed at the two glasses in the kitchen sink as though they were proof of a wrongdoing she hadn’t done. Her heart raced upon hearing Brian’s voice, her boyfriend of two years, reverberating through the home with concealed accusations that pierced more than straightforward words.
“Interesting how there are always two dirty glasses when I get home from work,” Brian commented, his apparently casual tone masking an acidity that made Jennifer’s stomach turn.
Max, Jennifer’s rottweiler, raised his head from his bed in the corner of the kitchen, his ears attentive to Brian’s altered tone of voice. The dog, known in the neighborhood for his extremely protective nature, was practically a living fortress — he wouldn’t let anyone but Jennifer and Brian near the house.
“Are you really implying what I think you are?” Jennifer asked, her voice shaking with indignation.
Brian shrugged, opening the fridge with more force than necessary. “I’m just making an observation. Three days in a row, Jennifer. Three.”
“I work from home, Brian. Sometimes I use more than one glass during the day. That’s what normal people do — they use glasses!”